SIG University - Certified Supplier Management Professional (CSMP)
Issued by
SIG (Sourcing Industry Group)
Earners of the SIG University Certified Supplier Management Professional (CSMP) program certification have developed the entry-level skills and knowledge needed to effectively communicate in a common supplier management language. They are competent in knowledge of supplier management outsourcing best practices, business and leadership theories, strategic sourcing methodologies and much more.
Additional DetailsSkills
- Contract Administration
- Contract Management
- Global Sourcing
- Governance
- Outsourcing
- Outsourcing Best Practices
- Procurement
- Procurement & Sourcing Optimization
- Sourcing
- Sourcing Management
- Sourcing Manager
- Spend Analysis
- Spend Management
- Strategic Planning
- Strategic Relationships
- Strategic Sourcing
- Strategic Sourcing Methodologies
- Supplier Management
- Transactional Efficiency
Earning Criteria
The badge earner has successfully completed all coursework and passed all quizzes in the five week Certified Supplier Management Professional program.
Course graduates have passing scores on quizzes for each module of the course using their unique login credentials.
The CSMP certification is renewable every three years. A person with the CSMP designation has to accumulate 120 Continuing Education Credits through various means of educational opportunities. SIG offers Continuing Education Credits through in-person and online training. Please check out SIG's current offerings at