Nonprofit Sector: Nonprofit Board Service Leadership
Issued by
Grand Valley State University
The badge prepares individuals to navigate the complex relationship between nonprofit boards of directors and executive staff in order to maximize organizational impact. Upon completion of the badge, earners can demonstrate strategies to insure legal compliance, financial sustainability and mission impact. Employing a racial and equity lens, earners will know the core and legal functions of a board, governance structures and how to overcome common challenges of a nonprofit board of directors.
Additional DetailsSkills
Earning Criteria
The 90 on 990 course introduces the badge earner to Form 990, it's purpose and the key elements of it. Earners will be able to use the form as an organizational tool, analyze information in Form 990 with an equity lens and realize the form's power as a data tool for the philanthropic sector.
The Introduction to Board Service course will develop an understanding of the core functions, legal and other responsibilities of a nonprofit board of directors. Earners will learn governance structures and how to apply them and identify common challenges and related strategies facing nonprofit boards.
The Board Leadership Cohort course will explain the key elements of developing and cultivating diverse boards of directors, analyze board structures and their impact as well as develop an understanding of the board's role in fund development.
The Transformations and Trends in Philanthropy course teaches the earner the significance of next gen donors and the rise of foundations choosing to not exist in perpetuity and identify new methods donors are utilizing. Earners explore how philanthropy is expanding globally and working to advance equity. They identify why practices to enhance equity and improving grantmaking by incorporating a racial equity lens are critical for increasing the effectiveness of Philanthropy.